Sunday, February 21, 2010

Weekend Up North

Wayne wanting to play some more with Miss Holden (you can see her head at the bottom left :) )

Julz & I at Rosario

Gorgeous day spent with Mommasita

Soaking in the sun

Wayne playing a convincing human

Such a diva
Spring has hit the our area unseasonably early it seems this year. It so happened that our plans to spend a 3-day weekend up visiting with Anacortes friends & my mom coincided with some phenomenal weather! Friday we arrived to the Island just in time for lunch with Brooke at my favorite deli, after first making a pit stop in "The Connor" for coffee and a walk down memory lane. We stopped by Read Me A Story- an adorable children's store in town- where we found some presents for the soon to be grands. Before meeting up with the VQ family we swung by Island Adventures to visit with the office family. Great to see Shane, Sam & Tracy. Then it was time for a play date for Wayne dog and his favorite little two year old Holden! And was she excited to see him and receive his kisses!! They both share a love for Rosario Beach so that's were we ventured to for some outdoor fun involving rocks, water, downed trees, tennis balls, sea glass, apples and a great atmosphere to catch up with friends! By this hour Bumpkin was "screaming" for food and Palmer's fulfilled our desire for great food. We then made our way up to Bham to start our visit with Mommasita. To moms dismay we slept in that next day, but I think we made up for our late start by spending nearly the entire day enjoying the outdoors. We walked 10 miles (okay more like 2-3) into Fairhaven right along the expanse of water and islands in the distance. Later that night after an amazing dinner at D'Annas mom and I headed into the basement to dig out some of my baby items! The piece de resistance is my first sleeping bag- an IKEA vintage late 1980's yellow turtle! Also in the prized possessions were some clothes my Nana knitted for me that my mom has kept for me all these years. Overall is was a great weekend and some much overdue time with my mom.

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