Friday, February 26, 2010

The Art of Juggling

I'm getting into the swing of things. Finding balance in the day and discovering a new type of productivity. Some days I don't feel as if I've accomplished much, but then reviewing the day those little daily tasks add up. Just this week I added another "ball" to be juggled. I started volunteering at Cascadia Research. The flexibility is wonderful. Knowing that I've set aside Monday, Tuesday and Thursday as days to go into the office whenever I'd like, for however much time I can afford on that given day to be a whale dork makes me feel more productive and challenges me to juggle my "to do's". It's nice to continue to work on my photo identification, since it's been something I've tried to become very proficient in these past few years. The thought of loosing ground on a skill I'd worked so hard at was a hard one to come to grips with. I am thankful that I can continue to learn. Stepping into the office has also been beneficial in me as a soon-to-be mom. There is one lady that works there, that I actually will be assisting, that has 2 young boys and has been most insightful when it comes to cloth diapers. It's nice to know a few families that have recently and are currently using the modern cloth diaper systems to bounce questions and concerns off of. She has been a wealth of knowledge and helpful suggestions.

Speaking of Miss Bumpkin. I was just speaking to Evan the other day about how I was a little disappointed that I hadn't been feeling her move about as often as I had hoped. There is a window when movement is frequent before womb room is a little too tight for her acrobatics! And I was hoping she would take advantage of this time. She seemed to really enjoy her sleep unless it was between 9-11 am and 10-11:30 pm when it appeared to be her "party time". Well, I've learned fast to be careful what you wish for. This past week she is moving all throughout the day. The way her kicks and movements feel has also changed due to no doubt her growth and increasing strength she is building by punching and kicking her mom! It seemed at first I was just getting attacked on my right side, now its coming from all sides. :)

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