Sunday, February 7, 2010

Spring-like Saturday

A gorgeous day inland left us ditching our plans to hit the coast for a day at the beach. Instead we packed up the car and headed north. First stop was to visit with Matt, Miss Hayden and Wayne's newest pals Homer & Herbie! After a visit before Hayden's nap we continued north to West Seattle. This area is quickly becoming one of my favorite district in Seattle. Alki Beach being its gem. With brilliant weather the crowds were out in hoards which included: bikers, skate boarders, rollerbladers, walkers, runner, sand castle builders, four-legged stick fetchers, stroller ridden munchkins and many other characters! Walking along the water we found a sidewalk restaurant for a bit of lunch. Sitting outside made it possible for Wayne to join us for lunch. He sat at attention keeping one eye on the smells coming from the table and the other on the walker bys. After lunch and a walk on the beach we headed back to Matt & Brittanys in order to car pool to dinner in Seattle. We met up with Rick & Deb at Fishermans Restaurant (amazing location and quite the feast) for Rick's Birthday! I think we surprised him with our presence! It was such an enjoyable evening with such great friends. Miss Hayden did wonderfully- such a wonderful baby! Overall it was an incredible day.

Happy Birthday Rick!!

Pit stop for food. :)

Wayne looking on downtown Seattle in the distance.

Fun at the beach.

Evan snuck this photo- I really look pregnant! This photo almost knocked me out of my seat.

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