Sunday, May 16, 2010

Long overdue belly shots...

Frontal View- 34 wks

Standard Pregnancy Pose- 34 wks

Bare Belly Exposed- 34 wks

Bare Belly Squeeze- 34 wks

Bare Belly- 34 wks

At 8 1/2 months little Miss Bumpkin could measure up to 22 inches in length and weigh somewhere around 5.5 lbs. She has become our large cantaloupe, although she sure hasn't been too sweet to her mommy this past week! Poor thing desperate for space has kicked up into my ribs and seems to rotate between the transverse and vertex positions. Really hoping she discovers that the vertex position gives her the most room! Due to space and her growing size I am feeling changes in pressure as she readjusts from within more frequently than I am feeling kicks & punches.
Also, on the update front. During my May 6th doctors appointment I had my second 1 hour glucose test. Great news...I never received a phone call from the doctors appointment regards my test results! No news is great news!! Finally passed, so that means the diet is working and I will continue being "good" through the remainder of the pregnancy. So happy I won't have to conduct finger pricks after every meal or snack to monitor my blood sugar levels. :) Also, my weight hasn't changed in over a month! Baby is still growing great, but the scale isn't sky rocketing. Hoping I can keep this trend for the next month! Next appointment is this Thursday which kicks off our weekly doctors appointments. We are slowly but surely taking things off our "to do list before baby" including interviewing one of two pediatricians we are looking into the important role of Miss Bumpkins doctor. The next pediatrician interview is on the 28th. We managed to schedule both around Evan's every other Friday off schedule. Can't believe her arrival is right around the corner. Still so much to do :)

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