Friday, May 28, 2010

Before the Holiday...

We are enjoying yet another "just the two of us" weekend being that we have 4 straight days OFF together! Yes, that's right folks the time off Gods have shone down upon Evan's schedule having his "every other Friday off" land on a holiday weekend when he gets Monday off. So we are outta here!! Last night we decided on a whim to take off down to Oregon this weekend for a much needed out of town, overnight adventure! We luckily found a hotel in Seaside, OR that is pet friendly and had last minute rooms available for a decent price. Why not splurge just a little before Miss Bumpkin arrives and finally get my butt down to Oregon- which I have yet to explore?! We'll post on our get-away upon our return with updated belly shots.

Until then however, lots to report on from one busy week. I spent Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday at Cascadia working on gray whale matching which I've been plugging away at for the past couple of months. I'm still really enjoying those few hours every week to have time devoted to something I find very interesting. I can tell my attention to detail and recognizing patterns is improving vastly. Also it's nice to be around people with similar interests. Usually I go in Thursdays instead of Wednesdays, but this week our Thursday filled up fast with a doctors appointment in the AM for me. This kicked off our weekly visits! :) Met with a doctor in the practice which we hadn't seen yet. Really would have thought by now that we had made ALL the rounds. Still one more to meet. Just very happy that I've really like all of them so far. Dr. Sears, who I met with this past time, was by far one of my favorites thus far. She seemed concerned by my results from my previous glucose tests and coupled with my PCOS she recommended that I have a random glucose test right then since I had more sugar than she liked in my urine. So off I went to the lab for another blood draw. Again, really happy I love the ladies in the lab for I have spent more than my fair share of time in there over the past weeks. Three hours later the blood work came back well within a healthy range! Other news from the visit. My weight still hasn't changed in over 2 months! Very proud of myself if I do say so. Her heartbeat sounded great at 145 beats/minute. She is measuring right on track and still head down! Oh....and exciting news I'm 1/2 cm dialated! I know that doesn't mean anything as far as delivery in the near near future, but it makes me feel great that all this pressure and discomfort is going towards something although just barely inching our way!

Thursday night we attended a breastfeeding class. Yes, we attended. I thought it would be appropriate for Evan to come and learn a thing or two about what I am going to be going through over hopefully the next year. Don't fear he wasn't the only man in the room there were about 10 0r so other partners in attendance. Plus, the instructor spoke about pumping and bottle feeding with breast milk which is something we will be doing. Overall, most of the material was more of a refresher for me, but it was great for Evan to hear some of the facts from a nurse. I think he thought I was crazy when I told him a feeding could last 1/2 an hour to 45 minutes!

Although today's weather was crummy we managed to get some things accomplished. We bought our washer, dryer and refrigerator!! Done and done. Those items are now off our "to do list before baby arrives". We also met with the second and last pediatrician for an interview. I was hoping the decision would be an easier one, but honestly they are both great doctors. Both practices have pros and cons we just need to figure out which one to go with and best fits our family's needs.

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