Thursday, May 13, 2010

Emmie Arrives!

Seattle welcomes Emily with beautiful blue skies!!

Northland Belly Bump Contest

Such great friends.

Bump to Bump
Emily @ 26 wks and me @ 33 wks

What an incredible experience to share with a dear friend: the journey of pregnancy to motherhood! To my delight Emily was able to fly out for a few days of visiting. What you may ask do two pregnant friends do during a visit. Well, as one would expect most of our days revolved around food, LOTS of catching up, pregnancy & baby talk, and walks outside have substituted vigorous hikes we enjoyed during our pre-pregnancy days! It was so sweet of Emily's husband Ian to spare his wife for a few days so that we could have our reunion! It's exciting to know our wee ones will only be weeks apart in age although miles will separate them. I am looking forward to showing Evan & Miss Bumpkin the beauty of Wisconsin and my old stomping grounds. The image of our two tots running naked about Emily & Ian's farm and later becoming pen pals from two different landscapes creeps into my mind vividly! They no doubt will both be nature's children as the outdoors is something we all value and enjoy! I am so looking forward to the arrival of little Babyloo (Emmie's wee one) and finding out if the Karl's are parents to a son or daughter!

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