Sunday, March 14, 2010

25 weeks!

Stroll through Evergreen State College's Campus
Picture with the pupper dog. Sporting my new jacket.
The growing Bumpkin- 25 wks
(sporting a new shirt from AJ & Tom)
Bare Belly- 25 wks
We've entered into the 6th month! This past Thursday we had a doctor's appointment and once again got to hear her beautiful rhythmic heart beat. It never lasts long enough. It seems the doctor finds the beat and we only get to hear it for seconds before the doppler is removed. This appointment was the first one where they measured for growth- which we are right on track- and now we start the fetal kick count. I've loved the feeling of her activity from within, but the thought of spending an hour dutifully recording every kick. I'm not so pumped for. Don't ask why, it may be because I'm a multitasker and this is something I will need to focus on for an hour. It will be a great opportunity however to focus on her movements and see patterns. Speaking of moments while watching the movie Precious Evan rested his hand on my growing mid-section and to our delight she wasn't playing shy. I think he was a little shocked at the punch or kick our wee one is packing these days. Guess he didn't believe me when I said she had been waking me up at night with her antics! Now he is a believer! We have also entered into the time frame where we will be having appointments every two weeks. Next time around I have a longer visit because I am having a glucose screening to determine gestational diabetes- a standard procedure.
Other news. Discovered recently that a friend from Anacortes, now residing in North Carolina, is also expecting!! Megan & Jonathon are due to celebrate the birth of their daughter about one month after Miss Bumpkin's arrival! So happy and excited about their happy news! It's strange how many people I have connections with that are expecting this year. There's a baby boom happening!
Also found out during the visit to the doctor's office that Miss Bumpkin has indeed been aggravating my sciatic nerve especially during my daily walks. Attempting to figure out how still get in the exercise without the pain the butt- literally! We also got the go ahead to use benzo peroxide cream to attempt to correct the acne problem I've been painfully dealing with the past couple of months.

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