Friday, January 29, 2010

Thursday Date Night with Something Extra to Celebrate!

Recently Evan & I instated that Thursday night be deemed "date night". We have had 3 so far and each time chosen a different restaurant. Although I am starting to see a seafood theme. Sadly no sushi. At first during the pregnancy even the thought of sushi made my stomach turn, now I am starting to really miss it. I would have much rather had a severe food aversion to sushi than miss enjoying sushi dates with Evan. Thank goodness there are a few restaurants near his work so he doesn't have to go without, because it would be torturous if he ate it in front of me!

Well, yesterday's date night was something extra special. For the past few weeks we have been dealing with the possibility of Evan not having a job. The major cuts in the state budget resulted in Evan's program being dissolved. So many positions were cut that the department was then undergoing restructuring. So we were forced to wait to hear if in the restructure there would be a position for Evan. In the mean time Evan searched out jobs to apply for, joining me in the activity that has been the vain of my existence for the past few months. Finally the our fate arrived. Evan will have a position!!!! What a huge burden to have been taken off our minds. The experience has been a strengthening one for our relationship. Teaching two very impatient people to have patience. A trait that will be more than handy in the coming months and subsequently years to follow. What relief. It is one thing to have one of us unemployed looking for work, but the thought of both of us searching for jobs was overwhelming. Now, however we don't have to go down that thought path. Right now of minds are focused more intensely on Bumpkin, the growth of our relationship, planning a Celebration and enjoying the next few months.

So over a dinner of Lobster & Dungeness Crab Cakes with a glass of wine & strawberry lemonade we toasted the results of the day, the strength we gained over the past few weeks, and having that all consuming thought finally off our minds leaving us free to really enjoy where we our in our love and life together!!!


Newell Family said...

That's great news! Congrats!

shannon said...

Congrats, glad to hear it!

Chewy still needs to meet Wayne, let us know when you're going to come up to Seattle next!