Sunday, January 24, 2010

Saturday Photo Shoot on Sunday

Our Saturday tradition of photo documentation had to take a backseat to our Saturday plans. Evan woke at 5:30 AM to get ready for his "man date" with Andy and Crystal Mountain for some much needed skiing. First day on the mountain for the 2009/2010 season. He's been dying to hit the slopes, but with the craze that came with the end of 2009 and the lack of snow on the mountains never gave him the opportunity. So while the boys played Alysha, Lucas (Andy's wife & son), & I had a date with IKEA! This was my first trip to the Renton IKEA, although I have been wanting to check it out since I moved nearly 3 years ago. We had a great day fueling at Applebee's before exploring the massive store. As we walked in the entrance I began to notice that I wasn't the only baby bump- it seemed every 5th person also sported a little stowaway. :) I never realized until this trip just how much baby stuff IKEA carries. Gave me some great ideas of little Bumpkin.

Some notable changes of this past week.

I no longer have hips. Well, they are obviously still there just covered with more padding.

Clothes that I wore pre-pregnancy look/fit so differently now.

Sleep that use to come so easy during the first trimester is becoming a thing of the past due to discomfort.

My fingernails have grown out and aren't cracking and breaking under the slightest pressure. FINALLY I have strength in my nails!!

My back looks like a pubescent teenagers face. :( -thank you hormones.

Frontal- 18 wks 1 day

Side View- 18 wks 1 day
(the bump is overtaking my boobs)

Standard Pregnancy Photo Bare Belly- 18 wks 1 day

Standard Pregnancy Photo

Belly Love Squeeze- 18 wks 1 day

According to What to Expect When You are Expecting little Bumpkin is the size of a Mango (mmmm tasty)- about 6 inches in length and 1/2 lb.

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