Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Our Eight Month Old!

How is our Makenna eight months already? It seems like with each passing day she is doing something new or making some strange new noise. One thing that has not changed about our ever changing daughter is that she LOVES to eat. So it only seems appropriate that her photo shoot would incorporate her cloth fruit from IKEA. Pictured above is Makenna "offering" up her sacrificial fruit which has become her latest move. On the topic of fruit and all things food, Makenna has now entered the stage of self feeding. Now during every meal of solid food she insists upon having some sort of finger food to work on independently of my spoon feeding her. She has gotten quite proficient these past few weeks of "pinch" picking up her food and directing them straight into her mouth. During feedings we have encountered what we thought was cute, her learning how to do raspberries, turned ugly and very messy! Peas splattered on my face, spray painted my clothes. We are attempting to put a kibosh to the mouth full of food raspberries. To help with those finger foods TWO, yes two, teeth are coming in!!!! The first, her bottom left, erupted on 2/15 with her second, her bottom right, erupting on 2/24. Still no crawling as our strong willed little one much prefers standing or sitting to tummy time. With hands held she will walk about making steps towards walking independently. I feel we have crawling within reach along with clapping. Both we practice daily. Thank goodness she get such joy from Patty Cake! It has also provided me a break from Little Bunny Foo Foo and Old MacDonald!

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