Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still Walking (38 wks)

Still walking, still pregnant. We are two weeks out from our due date of June 26th and it's not looking like she wants to come early! To my delight and shock a girl I went to high school had her daughter on Saturday! Our daughters due dates were back-to-back, their due on June 25th and ours the 26th, but with the heat and humidity of an Indiana summer it hasn't been a pleasant final stretch for her. With her being so uncomfortable I was sending hopeful thoughts her direction that her daughter would come SOON! And soon she came! I am hoping Miss Bumpkin gets the memo that early is okay. :) Highly doubtful since I've not felt any contractions, I'm not dilated even a smidge, and she is still pretty high even though she is in the head down position. I know things can change overnight, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Eventually she will come on her own time. I think she will come, I'm starting to feel like I will be pregnant forever.

This weekend mom came down for a visit! Wayne was so excited that Grandma was standing at the back door that he busted through the screen door! Don't worry the door didn't break but just came off its track and he was left without injury. Summer decided to finally make its presence known with some spectacular weather! Saturday the temperature climbed until the high 70's. Enough to give us all a kiss of color. It was also a productive visit with time devoted to packing up portions of the apartment for our upcoming move to the NEW HOUSE! Speaking of the new house we have our walk through on Friday in the early AM. So excited to be that much closer to our first home! It was just great to have my mom around to laugh with and talk over the past, the present and what the future holds.

Bumpkin Update:

This past week at the doctors appointment everything was fine: belly is measuring right on track, weight hasn't changed in 3 months, her heart rate was strong, her head is still down, my blood pressure was great, BUT nothing is happening. Of course this isn't a big deal to the doctor, but I wanted some progress, something to show for the discomfort and pains I have been experiencing. Nothing at all. I've told Miss Bumpkin she has to hold up her end of the deal since I've been caring for her, eating well, getting exercise and loving her to pieces and all she has to do is start moving down and working on getting dilated. :) It will come in her time and we will continue to be patient although we want to meet her desperately! This week we are having our already installed car seat checked to make sure its properly installed and another doctors appointment is scheduled for this Wednesday.


who graduated from Western Washington University on Saturday!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Aww that's so nice! Thanks Kate :)

We can't wait to meet the little one too, although you sure make a beautiful pregnant lady!!