Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Contract and Release

Well, I think we had our first contractions last night! One tight belly and slight discomfort in my back came and went throughout the night. It was actually hard to determine when they would start and stop since the only way to really tell if I was having a contraction was feeling my belly. So we didn't worry about whipping out the stop watch, aka our iPhones! With these first contractions came some progress that I have been hoping for. Today at the doctors I was 1 cm dilated (nothing major BUT at least a little something), 75% effaced (or thinned), she is still head down but still sitting somewhat high. Also got the word that we should have another ultrasound just to check Miss Bumpkin's size, since I am carrying the bulk of her in my back making it hard to guess how much she might weigh. Next doctors appointment is scheduled for next Thursday in the AM and now we also have an ultrasound scheduled for the wee hours before meeting up with the doctor. So excited to see her although I would be lying if I said that I'm hoping she will come before our next appointment. :)

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