Sunday, June 20, 2010

6 Days Until D-day!!! (39 weeks)

Happy Father's Day and in Evan's case "Daddy-to-be Day"!!

Another week has come and gone. Since the doctor's appointment on Thursday I've been experiencing contractions daily although they haven't been consistent nor grown in intensity. With each one I feel us getting that much closer to meeting our little girl, so I'm not minding the slight discomfort they bring. Knowing the night before our doctors appointment was the first time I really noticed having contractions and turned out we were 1 cm dilated. Now with days of multiple contractions that are stronger than those first ones I imagine I'm 5 cm dilated- wishing thinking I know! It's okay to be delusional at times especially if it gets you through moments of not feeling so hot. I thought for sure after our trip to Lowe's yesterday that we would be heading to the hospital last night or early today. A couple of hours standing around picking out blinds for the house produced LOTS of contractions and the most intense back pain to date. I may be making daily Lowe's trips this week. :) Here's hoping our little watermelon will make her appearance before D-day! Here's to starting a plethora of urban myths to jump start labor!

1 comment:

Newell Family said...

You are SOOOO close! AND you look amazing :)