Sunday, April 11, 2010

Bumpkin Turns 29 wks and Evan Turns 28 years!

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Evan....Happy Birthday to you! Saturday not only brought in Evan's 28th year, but Miss Bumpkin's 29 week! It was just the pick-me-up I needed after one emotional week. That however will come later.

Evan's Baskin Robin's birthday cake! mmmm...Baseball Nut with chocolate cake! Delicious.

My hunky hubby turns 28!

This week Miss Bumpkin is approximately the size of a Butternut Squash at roughly 17 inches in length and 3.1 lbs! It seems that the space within is getting a little tight for her movements are packing nearly the punch they were a few weeks ago. Also I awoke one night this week to the little dear playing in my ribs! Yes. In. My. Ribs. It was the strangest sensation to date. I just imagine her taking her tiny fist and moving it up and down my ribs like a musical instrument. I also got the impression that for the past couple of days she has been lying breach playing footsie with my bladder. This new "game" has only increased my trips to the loo.

29 wks- Side View

29 wks- Standard Prego Pose

29 wks- Bare Belly Frontal
(Look at that roundness! Seriously looks like I have a basketball in there instead of a baby.)

29 wks- Bare Belly Squeeze

This proved a difficult week for me. Tuesday was my dreaded test day. I was in the office for my first of four blood draws at 9 am. From 9am to 1:15 pm I had one blood draw, followed by chugging syrup, spending the next 1 1/2 hrs. focusing on not puking, then undergoing three more blood draws, a regular appointment with the Dr. Bell, and before taking my rH shot (since I am a negative blood type and Evan is a positive) I was able to finally sneak in a quick bite to eat ( after nearly 16 hours without food)! Freedom from the office shortly followed. In the medical world no news is good news so I was hoping not to receive a call from the doctors office, but unfortunately at 10am the call came with the news that I'm considered "borderline diabetic" because I failed by 4 points the second of the four tests. :( Now the news could have been far worse I realize. Gestational diabetes can be managed through carefully watching diet and exercising. However, it was extremely upsetting for me. Even now it can still bring me to tears. It is so frustrating. Having PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) I knew once we found out we were pregnant there were areas of concern, one being gestational diabetes. Over the past few months we have really been on top of our diet, which has meant me seriously cutting out pasta & chocolate. Not an easy thing to do when you have PCOS that causes you to CRAVE....seriously crave....those high carb items. I like to compare it to Gollum from The Lord of the Rings. Some pasta & chocolate are my version of "precious"! The cravings can get so bad that it just takes over all thoughts.
So now I am left with restricting my diet even further. I hope Miss Bumpkin knows just how much I love her and worry every day that I am doing everything in my power to create a safe and healthy incubator for her to start her little life in. The doctors office sent a gestational diabetes diet for me to follow for the next couple of weeks until my next gluclose test- yes I have to undergo another one, but thank goodness its not the 3 hr fasting one! Interesting enough after looking over the two sheets of allotted carb intake per meal or snack and the total carb intake for the day has me eating more carbs than I currently eat. *sigh* I just ask over the course of the next couple of weeks at least to let me bring it up. I haven't been in the mood for it to be sprung on me. I appreciate the concern and I have been feeling so much love and support. I just hate crying in front of people and I've been an emotional roller coaster. To talk about it I need to be in the right mindset, to be prepared. Thanks for understanding and for keeping me in your thoughts. Again I know it could be a lot worse. I just sometimes hate how PCOS has to affect everything in my life including this pregnancy, which all I want to do is enjoy. :)


shannon said...

I dunno if you heard through the family grapevine, but I've got PCOS too, and I can empathize with the carb problem, as because of the PCOS I'm pre-pre-diabetic. If you want to vent, share recipes, or anything, let me know. Also, I recommend cinnamon, it helps control blood sugar. It won't counteract a carb binge, but it does seem to help a little. I drink cinnamon tea and take a supplement that seem to help, but I don't know if they're ok with a pregnancy.

Evan & Kate Oderman said...

Thanks for sharing Shannon. It's nice to know other women going through the same struggles and to be able to vent concerns and frustrations- especially when it's family! :) I hadn't heard about cinnamon. I will have to remember to give it a try after Miss Bumpkin's arrival since I'm trying to stick to just water, the daily glass of milk and the occasional juice. Ditto btw on the venting, sharing or whatever. Thanks again.