Friday, December 31, 2010

Looking Back at 2010

What a year. Most would agree that we packed quite a bit into this past year. We brought in the year on a Florida beach while on our honeymoon. Upon our return we received news that Evan survived the lay offs. I was 4 months pregnant when I turned 26 years old- an experience I never thought I would be blessed enough to experience. Evan brought in 28 years as we discussed buying a house on Tumwater hill. Weeks before Makenna's birth we took a "mini-moon" down to Seaside, Oregon- which marked my first time visiting the state. Thankfully, we closed on our first house on Tumwater hill just 3 days before Makenna was born. On June 29th we welcomed our healthy baby girl into the world. Makenna Skyler's birth and the moments since then have been the highlights of our year. The beginning of September I began nannying for our friends, allowing us to avoid putting Makenna in daycare while enjoying seeing Makenna & Lucas' friendship blossom. On September 18th we held our Celebration of Love with family and friends, showing off the newest member of the family. Makenna dressed as a ladybug "trick or treated" for the first time. We handed out our first pieces of candy from our very own home to "treaters". Thanksgiving we spent with extended family at Aunt Renee & Uncle Chuck's. Makenna's first Christmas overflowed with love as, Gran joined the rest of the family in celebrating the holiday. We enjoyed yet another delicious meal with family over the holiday, although some members were absent. Smathered through those last 6 months Makenna starting sleeping through the night, gained nearly 10 lbs., started eating solids, started drinking water from a cup, smiles from ear to ear, babbles non-stop, is able to sit up unassisted, gives raspberries, blows bubbles on her lips and is able to roll over. 2010 has definitely been a memorable year. I can't imagine how it can be topped. Here's to 2010 a year full of great memories, lessons learned, tears shed in joy and sorrow, growth of character, new love and here's to the possibilities that 2011 has in store for us! Love and blessing to you and yours in the new year and always.

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