Thursday, December 30, 2010

Half a Year Old

Makenna is six months old. Wow! This milestone seemed so far off as we enjoyed the heat of the summer with our tiny baby girl. The thought of her sitting on her own, babbling sweet nothings, smiling, rolling and eating solids seemed to happen with a blink of an eye. We are further exploring the world of solids and are now eating: plain rice cereal, rice cereal with apple, avocado, sweet potato, carrots and peaches (although Makenna is not a fan she is more apt to eat it when mixed with cereal). Makenna is also drinking water, but she hasn't quite figured out the sippy cup and a bottle is just too "juvenile". So Makenna drinks from a cup. She has really figured it out over the past week and just cracks us up watching her and the amount of backwash it produces! We are adjusting to the change in her diapers. How I miss the days of breast milk poops. Onward we go though as our little girl grows up. Over the past week or so her tongue seems to be on the outside of her mouth more than in. :) The child is also fascinated with textures, running her hands over anything nearby. You can imagine her joy in having the Christmas tree to play with. Her 6 month well-baby check-up is on Monday and I am looking forward to see numerically how much she has grown. As always, the shots are not something to look forward to.

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