Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Our Baby is 2 Weeks Old! :)

Time moves more quickly as the days slip away giving way to the next marking Makenna another day older and changing ever so slightly with each cycle of the sun. It seems that having a child makes one notice the passing of time and its steady increase as days melt into weeks. Makenna is 2 weeks old! And with this milestone came a doctors appointment to check her progress. We had noticed over the past few days her cheeks becoming more "pinch able", her belly rounding, and the weight of her in the crook of our arms. Our goal was to get her at least back to her birth weight (7 lbs 11 oz) and were hoping to exceed that. Exceed it we did! She is officially no longer in the 7 lb weight class! Our growing girl gained 1 lb 5 oz in 11 days (since her last visit to the doctor)!! At 8 lbs 8 oz she is in the 50 percentile. She grew another 2 1/2 inches, making her 22 inches long (75 percentile)! All in all she is growing by leaps and bounds and is overall one healthy little lady. Unfortunately Miss Makenna wasn't so happy the day of her appointment as it was in the middle of her longer nap session in the middle of the day. And to make matters worse everyone was prodding and poking her. She had a repeat test to check for jaundice (note the photo above- they placed a warm wet diaper on her foot to draw the blood down and then pricked it before extracting drops of blood to be tested). Also scheduled was her HepB shot, yet one more annoyance to send her screaming! Definitely not easy to watch.

Since her entrance into the world we have noticed a few things about our daughter. She has Evan's detached ear lobes. She has blue eyes like both of her parents, with Evan's darker blue pigmentation. She has the sleeping ability of my Aunt Jen- the child can sleep anywhere and through anything! She has my long fingers and chubby cheeks. She has my lips. We are still debating about her nose, although at this stage we can feel a prominent bridge just like her daddy. She sneezes in a series of 3 more often than not, which is something she shares with me. Although we see little bits of each other in her, she is her very own one-of-a-kind self. She looks like Makenna.

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