Wednesday, July 7, 2010

8 Days of Parenthood

It's hard to believe we've been Makenna's parents now for a little over a week. We are parents to one amazing little girl who we've both fallen completely and utterly in love with. From the first moments Evan has been a natural, seeming quite at ease with a newborn. I shouldn't be surprised for Evan strives to be great at everything he does throwing his whole self into what he is focusing on. Watching him with her only deepens my love for him. I am so blessed with my little family. I've even surprised myself. All during my pregnancy I was told what an amazing mom I would be- yet I wondered how people knew or what they saw that would lead them to believe that. I had my own doubts about my abilities and fears that comes with the responsibility of another's life knowing my own shortcomings. The moment she was placed in my arms, a switch was flipped. Years of babysitting prepared me for diapers, prepared me changing clothes, prepared me for so many things yet to come, but nursing was new and so was the round the clock care. Nature has taken over and thankfully Makenna has a ferocious appetite and caught on to nursing right from the start. It seems like I was always ment to be a mom. That I was always intended to be Makenna's mom. It's funny how her personality shone through even while in the whomb. The girl is opinionated. She lets you know exactly how she feels without reservation. While I was carrying her if I happened to be in a position not to her liking or comfort I would receive a jab or a kick so uncomfortable that I would shift into a more "suiteable" position. These past few days I have absorbed so much about our little girl and her developing personality. Each day I look forward to seeing how she has changed physically in her ablities and what in her personality I am noticing for the first time.

One unhappy Makenna flips a double bird! :) priceless

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