Thursday, July 8, 2010

Makenna Meets The Beach

Today was the perfect excuse to introduce Makenna to one of our loves: the beach. So we packed up the car and took off towards the coast in hopes of avoiding the 90+ degree weather that Olympia was expected to get today and find refuge at West Port where it was only predicted to reach mid to high 70's. As it was our first day trip with Makenna we lucked out that there was a marine layer and it was more like high 60's so we didn't have to worry too much about her overheating and sun exposure (yet we were prepared for a sunny warm day at the beach). Of course Wayne wore himself out swimming and chasing the ball and overall just loving life. Makenna slept through most of the day which translates to her really enjoying her first time at the beach! :) Great day spent with our little family creating new memories. We live a very blessed life.

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