Sunday, June 27, 2010

Celebrating 6 Months!!!

What a busy, busy time! Lots to catch up on for so much has been happening. To start today is our 6 month wedding anniversary!! We are celebrating this special occasion in our very own home! To fill in the gaps. On Wednesday we ventured over to the title company and with pen in hand slayed a good sized forest worth of paper in order to close on our very first HOME! By the following evening the monies had been transferred and it was officially ours! Thursday not only brought us the knowledge that the deal had gone through without a hitch and after months of waiting and watching the house go up it was ours no questions asked but we also got news regarding Miss Bumpkin. Officially feeling GROWN UP. :) Thursday morning hopeful for some good news from the doctor we marched over for an ultrasound to check on Miss Bumpkins size. First thing we see were her round pinchable cheeks- wonder where they came from! Her hands nestled near her head and low and behold she was sucking her thumb! Super cute. After measuring her head the tech moves to her belly for a quick measurement and then to her femur. Evan requested to check to make sure there was still need for all the pink that has been purchased. :) And yes we are still expecting a girl! Turns out this little girl is bigger than the doctors are liking, with one little round belly. From the measurements, keeping in mind there is machine error +/- close to a pound, she is looking to be about 8 lb 12 oz!!! Yikes. After the ultrasound it was time to meet up with the doctor to see about the past weeks progress. Sadly there is done to be spoken of. Still 1 cm dilated and the little stinker is not engaging in the pelvis. The moment the words pass the doctors lips I was immediately struck with the image of her sucking her thumb being oh so comfortable right where she is! We are meeting with the doctor Monday morning to see if anythings changed and then get our strategy. Looks like a cesarean is in our future next week. We will know more tomorrow and get answers to questions we have regarding the surgery while exploring all of our options. Then we will be able to make the best decision for baby & mommy. Pictures to come of the house, ultrasound and events of the past week. A huge THANK YOU to Steve & DelRae for giving up their Friday & Saturday to help us move. THANK YOU to Jack & Andy for proving added man power on Saturday for the hauling of the large items. And THANK YOU to my mom for making the long haul from Bellingham early Saturday to help over the coming days!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010

6 Days Until D-day!!! (39 weeks)

Happy Father's Day and in Evan's case "Daddy-to-be Day"!!

Another week has come and gone. Since the doctor's appointment on Thursday I've been experiencing contractions daily although they haven't been consistent nor grown in intensity. With each one I feel us getting that much closer to meeting our little girl, so I'm not minding the slight discomfort they bring. Knowing the night before our doctors appointment was the first time I really noticed having contractions and turned out we were 1 cm dilated. Now with days of multiple contractions that are stronger than those first ones I imagine I'm 5 cm dilated- wishing thinking I know! It's okay to be delusional at times especially if it gets you through moments of not feeling so hot. I thought for sure after our trip to Lowe's yesterday that we would be heading to the hospital last night or early today. A couple of hours standing around picking out blinds for the house produced LOTS of contractions and the most intense back pain to date. I may be making daily Lowe's trips this week. :) Here's hoping our little watermelon will make her appearance before D-day! Here's to starting a plethora of urban myths to jump start labor!

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Contract and Release

Well, I think we had our first contractions last night! One tight belly and slight discomfort in my back came and went throughout the night. It was actually hard to determine when they would start and stop since the only way to really tell if I was having a contraction was feeling my belly. So we didn't worry about whipping out the stop watch, aka our iPhones! With these first contractions came some progress that I have been hoping for. Today at the doctors I was 1 cm dilated (nothing major BUT at least a little something), 75% effaced (or thinned), she is still head down but still sitting somewhat high. Also got the word that we should have another ultrasound just to check Miss Bumpkin's size, since I am carrying the bulk of her in my back making it hard to guess how much she might weigh. Next doctors appointment is scheduled for next Thursday in the AM and now we also have an ultrasound scheduled for the wee hours before meeting up with the doctor. So excited to see her although I would be lying if I said that I'm hoping she will come before our next appointment. :)

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still Walking (38 wks)

Still walking, still pregnant. We are two weeks out from our due date of June 26th and it's not looking like she wants to come early! To my delight and shock a girl I went to high school had her daughter on Saturday! Our daughters due dates were back-to-back, their due on June 25th and ours the 26th, but with the heat and humidity of an Indiana summer it hasn't been a pleasant final stretch for her. With her being so uncomfortable I was sending hopeful thoughts her direction that her daughter would come SOON! And soon she came! I am hoping Miss Bumpkin gets the memo that early is okay. :) Highly doubtful since I've not felt any contractions, I'm not dilated even a smidge, and she is still pretty high even though she is in the head down position. I know things can change overnight, but I'm not getting my hopes up. Eventually she will come on her own time. I think she will come, I'm starting to feel like I will be pregnant forever.

This weekend mom came down for a visit! Wayne was so excited that Grandma was standing at the back door that he busted through the screen door! Don't worry the door didn't break but just came off its track and he was left without injury. Summer decided to finally make its presence known with some spectacular weather! Saturday the temperature climbed until the high 70's. Enough to give us all a kiss of color. It was also a productive visit with time devoted to packing up portions of the apartment for our upcoming move to the NEW HOUSE! Speaking of the new house we have our walk through on Friday in the early AM. So excited to be that much closer to our first home! It was just great to have my mom around to laugh with and talk over the past, the present and what the future holds.

Bumpkin Update:

This past week at the doctors appointment everything was fine: belly is measuring right on track, weight hasn't changed in 3 months, her heart rate was strong, her head is still down, my blood pressure was great, BUT nothing is happening. Of course this isn't a big deal to the doctor, but I wanted some progress, something to show for the discomfort and pains I have been experiencing. Nothing at all. I've told Miss Bumpkin she has to hold up her end of the deal since I've been caring for her, eating well, getting exercise and loving her to pieces and all she has to do is start moving down and working on getting dilated. :) It will come in her time and we will continue to be patient although we want to meet her desperately! This week we are having our already installed car seat checked to make sure its properly installed and another doctors appointment is scheduled for this Wednesday.


who graduated from Western Washington University on Saturday!!!