Thursday, October 14, 2010

Party in the Pumpkins

It was another busy week in the Oderman household. Saturday my mom and Aunt Marg stopped by for a visit after a wonderful week on the Oregon coast. Makenna sure loved the added attention- surprise, surprise! Sunday was packed with fun. By 10am we were out the door and heading north to Tacoma. With the change in seasons we decided it was time to replace both of our rain coats since neither are waterproof! So it was off to REI. :) A few hundred dollars later we both walked away with new rain gear and I even got a pair of pants and new sweater off the clearance rack! Lunch at the mall before checking out the Apple Store, Old Navy and lastly it was Babies 'R Us to pick up some of Makenna's Christmas presents! I know I know it's a bit early, however I don't want to leave it to the last minute. So into the closet her gifts from her Great Auntie Jen & Great Uncle Tom went. We were home and back out the door around 2pm and heading to a local pumpkin patch to celebrate Lucas' 2nd birthday (the little boy I nanny for)! Such a great location for a birthday party for anyone of any age with a birthday in October! Makenna was enjoying herself up until the apple launcher scared her socks off. Poor thing cried the most pitiful little cry. Well, if I'm being honest it was anything but little. Moving away from the launchers location we were able to calm her down right before Lucas opened his presents. He was sooo funny. During the singing of "happy birthday" he attempted mid-song to blow out his candles on his cupcake. :) His mom, Alysha, had to put her hand between the candles and his wind maker! Everyone was cracking up. Such a sweet kid. We are so lucky to have great friends that have kids around Makenna's age.

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