Sunday, October 3, 2010

A Cheeky 3 Month Old

What a character our little Makenna has become. Since she has become a drool factory in preparation for "toothy pegs" (as my Aunts call them) to make their appearance, she has found it quite amusing to make drool bubbles and even yes, milk bubbles. As I am writing this she sits beside me in her pumpkin seat watching her bare feet kick. She finds contentment in watching her hands, and those very hands have taken up permanent residence in her mouth. Reaching, grabbing, clutching are things she's been improving upon for a couple of weeks now. And just the other day while playing with Lucas she went from her back onto her right side in order to see her little friend! Where did this come from? Once again out of nowhere while making faces and pretending to sneeze she laughed! These pleasant surprises from Makenna are becoming more frequent with each passing day. For the past week Makenna and I have been working hard to get her back on schedule - aka sleeping through the night. Since her first rave (our Celebration) she has been getting up at least once sometimes twice at night. Last night marked the first time in a couple of weeks where we both slept through the night! Back to her normal 8pm-615am sleep schedule. Hoping by writing this it doesn't jinx our progress. :)

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