Sunday, September 5, 2010

And then there were two...

Well, it's been a busy week for Makenna and I. This week I started watching our friends little boy, Lucas. It's safe to say that Makenna has her first crush as she just watches Lucas in awe, while cooing and kicking her legs in excitement. Simply adorable. Lucas is so sweet with "baby Makenna", which has to be a relief since he is going to have a little sister come January! So excited and happy to have the Myers' kids as Makenna's buddies as we love our friendship with his parents!

Today while I was getting Makenna prepared for her bath time it occurred to me that I have yet to do a naked baby photo shoot.

Our 2 month old weighed in on Monday at 11 lbs. 8 oz and measured 23 inches long. A little lighter and a smidge shorter than both Evan & I estimated. Poor thing had to endure 3 shots without any pain relief medications. Come 9 pm Miss Makenna had cried during her 8 pm feeding and woke up crying only 20 minutes after falling asleep. Evan took off to the store to find some infant pain medicine. After venturing to Safeway and Fred Meyers there was zero meds on their shelves since the May recall. It wasn't until the following day that I found some generic medications at Target. We will be prepared for her 4 month check-up.

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